Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

Spaghetti Squash Lasagna
Spaghetti Squash: Cheesy and delicious

This recipe is really hard to post because I seem to make it differently every time. It’s also practially impossible to know how big a spaghetti squash you’re going to get (I order online) so I’m always playing it by ear a little. The truth is you can modify this and play with it and chances are it will still turn out deliciously. I’m mostly posting it to have something to Pin to my Cooking Club Pinterest so people know what we’re actually making when we plan instead of pinning someone else’s recipe as a placeholder.

In other words… either be prepared to play with this and take your chances a little or skip it and try something else. 😉 Continue reading

Zucchini Corn Pie

Zucchini Corn Pie (with ham)

This is another one of those great recipes that you can really tweak in dozens of ways.  It’s based on this one from  Our attempts were never as pretty as Lindsay’s, but, we were more focused on making a lot of it and making it a bit more macro friendly.  😉  We’ve tried a few different versions… with her original suggestion of swiss and mozzarella cheeses, with feta cheese, with parmesan cheese, with no cheese… and, as per usual, we did find a way to add some extra protein.  We also added a yummy corn salsa from Trader Joe’s to give it a little kick.  Here’s the version that I think will be our basic go-to, but, definitely use your imagination and mix it up!

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Hamburger/Cheeseburger Casserole

Hamburger/cheeseburger casseroleI’m so excited to finally post this recipe!  We’ve made it about a dozen times in Cooking Club and I think we finally perfected it!  I also love that it’s a good demonstration of how you can take a recipe and use it as a starting point to really make it your own… whether you’re tweaking it for taste or specific nutritional concerns, etc.  This is actually adapted from a recipe on (one of my very favorite places to get recipes) which was in turn adapted from a recipe in Bobby Deen’s cookbook From Mama’s Table to Mine: Everybody’s Favorite Comfort Foods at 350 Calories or Less. Continue reading