Cheesy Egg Casserole

Cheesy Egg Casserole
Make one of these casseroles and you’re set for breakfast for the week!

When you’re trying to rush out the door or steal every possible moment in your bed or shower instead of in the kitchen, a healthy breakfast can be a challenge.  One of the most frequest requests I get is for easy breakfasts that can be prepped ahead of time.

We’ve tried a few different variations over the years in Cooking Club and I have to admit that while I’d eat the various egg dishes we made (and I even posted one recipe here a few years ago), I wasn’t in love with any of them. The texture after a day or two just turned me off.

I think we’ve finally come up with the winner! Continue reading

Make Ahead Baked Eggs

Make Ahead Baked EggsI am NOT a morning person.  I’m always running late, I’m usually cranky… and I’m hungry.  I had a Costco order coming from Instacart so, on a whim, I added 3 dozen eggs (it *was* Costco ;)) and decided to figure out something to do with them for breakfast for the week.

I love a fritatta… and they’re relatively easy… but I was feeling too lazy even for that.  Then i remembered a recipe I’d pinned from for an oven omelet and decided to start there and just make it as easy as possible. Continue reading